在進入身體工作領域之前 ~ 強烈建議每一位朋友參與此工作坊
在成為管道協助他人之前 ~ 將自己的身心擴展並擁有自然脈動
不再是努力工作 是樂在施作互動中
不再是發現問題 是認識個體多面向
直覺脈動是一項獨創型態的身體工作方式 - 它不僅是根植於技巧、知識或者是技術,而是更著重於直覺、覺知及能量流的工作。
2019 工作坊日期 (隨時更新)
intuitive pulsing 直覺式身體脈動 |
level 1 一階 |
level 2 二階 |
level 3 三階 |
日期 |
11/24,25 (週日.一) 共2天 |
11/26,27 (週二.三) 共2天
2019/12月 共5天+個案實習 (3小時,含個人 施作錄影檢討) |
時間 |
一階~早上9:30-下午6:00 二階~早上9:30-下午6:30 |
費用 |
$12,800 |
$18800 |
$22800 |
複訓 |
$5000 |
$8000 |
$10000 |
優惠價 (共三階) |
三皆優惠價$48,800 (10/11 前報名一+二階=>早鳥優惠價$29,800/人) (10/18 前報名兩人同行一+二階=>早鳥優惠價$28,500/人) |
帶領者: Antar Paritosh (全三階課程皆有中文翻譯)
報名專線: 2752-8086 (請在指定日前完成匯款)
Intuitive Pulsing is a unique type of body work where the base is not only on skill, knowledge or technique, but more on intuition, awareness and energy.
all of us have a well developed mind (left brain) and an underdeveloped intuition (right brain). this training will focus on developing the right brain too; giving you the capacity to feel, trust and follow the energy.
Intuitive pulsing is a non-invading type of bodywork.
It works with a lot of awareness, sensitivity and love for the body.
This makes it a powerful, deep and healing type of bodywork, nourishing not only the body but also the heart and spirit, helping people to transform the quality of their life. in this training you learn to touch with love and awareness, making your touch a healing touch.
Intuitive pulsing combines touch with shaking, stretching, lifting, rotating with a continuous rhythmic rocking. the rhythmic rocking sends ripples flowing through the whole body enlivening the system on all levels.
The roots of this work goes back to the work of geert van coillie (dynamic massage) who made an integration of the trager approach (based on the work of milton trager) and holistic pulsing (based on the work of tovi browning). paritosh will bring the focus in his courses & workshops on the meditative quality and working in an intuitive spontaneous way.
Qualities being supported in this training are:
-Being present, trusting feeling & intuition, following the natural (im-)pulse.
-Staying grounded and centered, and being awareof your own body and the body of your client and the energy, moment to moment.
-This courses and training are experience based, not knowledge based.
(basic knowledge will be added in level 3 preparing you to become a professional body worker)
This training has been attended by already professional body or energy workers (spa masseurs, reiki and diksha givers, traditional chinese body workers, qi-gong [chi-gong] masters,…) as it is a perfect enhancement to any type of massage or bodywork, perfectly combinable. this training will rise the quality and awareness of the work you already doing, and helping to lift your bodywork to a level it becomes creative (no more boring) without the possibility of burn out.
This training has also been attended by people not intending to become a professional body worker, just to transform the quality of their live and the people they love.
The basic training is divided in 3 levels, here is again an introduction of these levels and the focus in every level:
Level 1 :
grounding, centering, connecting to the body.
using and taking care of your own body while giving a bodywork session.
opening to meditation
opening to intuition and feeling
opening the heart
energy awareness and sensitivity
awareness touch
learning basic pulsing techniques to play with (family, friends and class mates)
Level 2 :
expanding body awareness
exploring different possibilities of pulsing on all the body parts
expanding techniques to be able to give a 60 to 90 minute session.
Level 3 :
expanding experience, working with different body types
deeper exploration of your own body type and personality
expanding the healing experience for both you and your client while doing the pulsing work (called the ‘two way healing approach’ of pulsing)
adding more energy work (polarity therapy) and pulsing techniques
expanding creative pulsing
preparation to become a professional body worker and pulser